Weekly Track Titan Update

CW 38 Weekly Track Titan Update

Welcome back and hello from our East London office where it's getting colder outside but hotter inside due to the sim and other computers seemingly running 24/7. One day we'll get an AC in this office but for now, the only AC running here will be the sim and we'd rather spend that money on making Track Titan better. Excuse the low quality pun; now let's get into the interesting stuff.

Calendar Week 38 Update:

We had a great week with some (hopefully) exciting updates for you in various areas.

Leaderboard filters

I know I know, it's been a long time coming but you can now finally filter leaderboards by conditions, patch no., etc. We've been wanting to do this for ages but we needed a bit of a change in our tech architecture to make it happen fast and in an affordable manner.

Video track guides
A better week with more than 100 new guides posted and we now have a total of more than 1,000 track guides out there which is a great milestone!

The big update: We are now starting to post wet weather track guides!

  • Total track guides posted on Youtube as of yesterday: 1,039
  • Total guides posted last week: 117

As you will see on our YouTube, we are currently focused on guides for iRacing, ACC and F1 but AC is in the pipeline :)

Many more written track guides

Our main focus is getting more video track guides out as they are the best form of educational content in our opinion. But did you know we already have tens of thousands of written track guides that show you the ideal line, pedal application, gear and common mistakes for each corner for loads of track/car combinations?

We posted a bunch more last week and improved their design a lot. You can simply access them directly via the session page and the academy. Let us know what you think!

Here is an example.

Faster iRacing data upload

This is being rolled out slowly so you might not have it yet but we changed how we get your iRacing data to Track Titan faster and cheaper. We ditched one type of technology and replaced it with another; hoping you already feel the improvement!

Laps saved even if you are a Community Member

Previously, being on the Community Membership and hitting your monthly 50 lap limit would mean we just stop recording your data. That meant, however, that if you then decided to upgrade, there was no way to recover insights for those laps. To make that a possibility, we now stream your laps regardless of your membership status and lock the ability to analyse if you are on community. Once you upgrade, you get access to those sessions so joining the Plus/Premium/Ultra club is always worth it. This is currently only enabled for iRacing and ACC.

As always, feel free to reach out at max@tracktitan.io.

If you want to stay up to date with other updates on Track Titan and all things racing/simracing/startups in general, feel free to add or follow me on LinkedIn.

All the best and keep on racing,